Mercy Men exists to equip men to discover who they are, figure out Gods role in their life and build relationships with each other.
We pursue these goals in a number of different ways, here are just a few examples of our monthly meetings:
- Watching Cardinals Football
- Breakfast and a Bible Verse
- Corn Hole, Kan Jam and Bottle Drop Tournaments
- Attending ASU games
- Annual Men’s Retreat
- "Come to the Table" (meets weekly for dinner at local restaurant/bar)
- Service Projects
- Golf / Bowling / Mountain Biking
- Bible Study
We’re all busy, have many roles to fulfill and our culture tells us that strong leaders “go it alone.” Yet, we choose to do life together because we’ve found that not only do most guys have similar goals (e.g. provide for my family, be a better man, Husband, Father), but also that we also face the same issues and challenges trying to reach our goals. The reality is that God created us for relationship with Himself AND relationship with each other. So, c’mon – step out of your comfort zone, be a real man and join us as we figure out how to do this life together!
Contact: Jim Beadle