Jennifer Sellers
Day & Time:
Every other Saturday 9:00-10:00 AM
March 1 – April 26
(Note: Meeting dates are 3/1, 3/15, 3/29, 4/12, and 4/26)
"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous." Aristotle
Calling all women! Longing for connection? Looking for some time to yourself? Missing the benefits of being outdoors? Join us every other Saturday for a walk around the Gilbert Riparian, enjoying talking with other women while soaking up some time in the great outdoors.
Let's discover something marvelous together!
The Gilbert Riparian (formally known as the Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch) is at Greenfield and Guadalupe.
We will meet on the Riparian bridge. If you have any questions, contact Jennifer.